Breaking The Cycle of Anxiety

Breaking The Cycle of Anxiety

Generalized Anxiety Disorder is a fairly common disorder amongst many individuals. It can be described as excessive worry and sometimes even for no reason. Some symptoms that may appear include persistent worry, overthinking, indecisiveness, inability to relax or let go of worry, and difficulty concentrating etc…

When the symptoms persist, it can feel like it is taking over and in order to prevent that from occurring, it is important that we are practicing healthy techniques and exercises to control the thoughts and to change our way of thinking to decrease the intensity of anxious thoughts.

I listed a few symptoms above, however, there are many more as well as physical symptoms for example: trouble sleeping, fatigue, irritability, trembling and more. No one likes to live their life worrying and feeling uneasy in their mind AND body. Therefore, learning how to change this state of mind in order to improve how we feel in our body takes practice.

So lets go over how you can start to break this cycle of worry.

Don't panic related to anxiety

So what are some ways you can break this cycle of worry?

Here is the short list: Psychotherapy, medication and various changes in lifestyle and home remedies such as getting proper sleep, staying active, eating healthy and avoiding alcohol and smoking.

All of the above are extremely important to incorporate into your life to develop healthy habits and to help ease the mind. Some other activities one can take up also includes becoming more mindful and aware.

Why is this important?

Mindfulness plays a huge part in mental health. The more mindful we become the likelier it is for us to take charge of our thoughts which will then change our mood and our actions. If one becomes mindful of their thoughts, well then you can process it and come to terms how most likely it is an irrational thought or belief and then proceed to come up with a new belief or thought that is rational.


Many times we can become anxious without realizing or fully understanding the cause, therefore, noticing triggers and what may have occurred to bring up the thought you have is important in preparing yourself as well as planning ahead to avoid any triggering anxiety.

So break the cycle by focusing on awareness and tuning within yourself. If you want to read up on meditation and how it can help with awareness then click here and here is a link to where you can start your mindfulness journey

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About Me

Hello there and welcome to my blog! I am Ayesha and the founder of mental health de-stigmatized. I am a mental health enthusiast as well as an LPC-A. I created this blog to raise awareness about mental health by delivering knowledge to help de-stigmatize mental health. I aim to bring value into your life through my blog by giving tips and knowledge you can use.

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