8 Core Values To Live The Best Life You Want

8 Core Values To Live The Best Life You Want

Core values are important to identify in your life because they help act like a map of the kind of life you want to live. They are beliefs that you feel are important and valuable and with those beliefs your actions will reflect on those values and speak for who you are and what you stand for.

There are many core values that are important and can add depth into your life. There are many great ones but here are some that can enhance your life to live the best life!

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Communication is a value that should be at the top of the list as this can impact all of your relationships. This value consists of being able to listen to others effectively while also conveying your message and thoughts effectively to be heard by others. This can strengthen your relationships and prevent miscommunication.


Now I could be bias about this but I truly believe this is such huge one that will truly make you live your best life because you will be dedicated to getting the life you want! You will be discipline in doing the things that will lead you to your goal and only enhance your life in a healthier way.


Peace and Calmness

Peace and calmness is essential to staying grounded and to making sure to act or respond in a way that will ultimately lead to peace. Remaining calm and being around others who are calm can benefit your health and bring peace all around. Who doesn’t want peace?


I have a post about this, you can read it here.

But structure is a value that will add quality into your life. This means you have control (majority of the time) over what your schedule is, what you want to do, experiences and overall just your surrounding. It basically is a restriction that you have come up with and are content with that you feel works best for you. This helps you to lead a more structured life where you can end up being more productive and you may end up enjoying this way of life that it will become a core value.


Education is a valuable tool to obtain with the wealth of knowledge that comes with it. This is a core value that will help you to live your best life as it will give you what you need to direct your life in the way you find pleasant. Becoming a life long learner and always educating yourself allows you to develop deeper understanding and insight that gives you the ability to develop valuable skills to go in the direction that fits best.



Health is a top core value that should be priority. Health is a powerful value that not only contributes to your ability to achieve and do what you would like to do. It also gives you the ability to be there for your loved ones and be happy. To be able to get up each day and conquer your dreams and wishes is a blessing and taking care of your health should be a priority because without health, how will you achieve all of the above I just mentioned and so much more that can bring value into your health?


Spirituality is just as important as physical, emotional and mental health. Though spirituality does not always relate to religion, it really is about connecting to your mind and soul to feel fulfillment within. This can include mindfulness which involves being aware of your thoughts and the way your body feels. Being able to be spiritually connected can help you to feel hopeful and gratitude to the world around you.


Being trustworthy and honest overall is one of the best core values you can have. It strengthens your character and helps you to build healthy and trustworthy relationships. Without trust, there is no relationship and therefore, this is a core value that you definitely will want to work on, build and instill within you forever. To be able to trust others, you also need to be trustworthy and vice versa. Living a life practicing integrity is admirable and well respected.

If you want your own core value card set to identify your core values, here is where you can buy your set

Understanding your core values can help you to align with your actions and morals. Living by your values can help you to find out who and what you are accepting of into your life. Identifying your core values can help you to understand you and the kind of life you want to live.

About Me

Hello there and welcome to my blog! I am Ayesha and the founder of mental health de-stigmatized. I am a mental health enthusiast as well as an LPC-A. I created this blog to raise awareness about mental health by delivering knowledge to help de-stigmatize mental health. I aim to bring value into your life through my blog by giving tips and knowledge you can use.

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