Change is the only thing that is inevitable, it’s the only thing that’s guaranteed. However, besides knowing that, sometimes it gets difficult to navigate the new things happening and embracing change when things in life occur suddenly can be challenging. It can be a change in social, occupational, personal or any area of life. Change can be overwhelming emotionally if you don’t have the proper coping skills to deal with it. In this article a few ways to embrace change and deal with it more effectively will be shared. That includes the following ways.

The most basic step to embrace change is to be able to accept its inevitability, to acknowledge the fact that some things are changing gradually some are changing at a rapid pace however life is always on the go and there’s no way to stop it. Seeing change as an important essential part of life makes you feel positive about the idea. It opens up your life to infinite possibilities, if there would have been no change things would be stagnant, therefore, seeing change as a positive process in itself is important for learning and growing as an individual. If you are not open to change or new experiences you aren’t going to get too far in life. Change brings innovation, novelty, motivation, and new energy. Life becomes easier when you accept that you can’t control everything that happens and that it’s okay. Hence, believing that change is inevitable, being open and accepting towards it makes you more prepared and helps you better cope with it rather than when you are trying to deny or resist the inevitable.
Taking all the factors in account, analyzing and looking at the context of a situation, the underlying factors, extraneous variables, and finding the right reasons for change will make it easier for you to understand the WHY, a complete analysis of the situation, with honest accountability of self is the right approach towards embracing change as it is purely based on reasoning and analysis. Your mind will be more accepting towards the specific, accurate, tangible information of the reasons a change was required and will find answers to all its questions. Acceptance comes easier with understanding. For a better understanding it is important to get your facts straightened out. Therefore, recognizing the why, what went wrong or right is important. The more clear and specific your analysis findings are the easier it is to accept the change.

Stay Optimistic
Having a growth mindset is significant in life. Individuals who are ready to learn, open to new learning experiences are the ones making changes, bringing innovative ideas, entrepreneurial energy and big changes in the world.
Change can seem difficult for a while because the human brain is biased towards comfort and whenever something unfamiliar is in the picture our mind gets overwhelmed with fear or worry of anticipation. However, it is of utmost importance that we stay optimistic and hopeful when dealing with a big change. One way of doing that is to do a cost benefit analysis and make a list of all the positive consequences that will be a result of the current change that you are fearing. Optimism about the future that the change will bring is the key towards accepting it. If you believe that in the long run, or right now a certain change is going to bring all the positive energy in your life then you have already won and you are moving on, going with the flow, learning and growing with a confident and hopeful mindset.
Forget What You Thought, See What Is
Break free from your assumptions and make up ideas of how something was supposed to happen or go down. It’s quite natural for our minds to predict or to want a certain situation happening in a certain way, however, what is more important is to stay connected to the reality and not get stuck in your mind. What you thought “could/ should/ or is ought to” happen will not happen exactly, hence, having an open mind set and being more adaptable and flexible is the healthy way to cope with changes in your life.
Get Creative
Finding and exploring your own ways of dealing with change is the most important step as only you can figure out what compliments your personality more. You can try art, physical activities, take on new socializing and learning groups, seek advice from a professional or coach.

Be excited to the endless possibilities of life, change can be scary but beautiful, embrace it with curiosity and positivity. No matter how trivial a change it can lead you to one of the best journeys of your life.