Color psychology can be powerful in how it communicates with you. Each color can influence a different mood and just with that can change your entire day. Certain colors are associated with how it impacts your mood and behavior.
Colors make us all feel a different way depending on what color is around us. Certain colors are used in advertising and brands for a particular reason. Understanding the effects that colors can have on you can also help you understand what colors you can incorporate into your daily life for your mental health.
Some colors that I am going to go over include Red, Purple, Green, Blue, and Orange. Each color is significant in the effect it can have on you and your experience and mood.
Red can be seen as a warning. It can attract more attention as it is known to be more of a warning sign. Therefore, when seeing red, it can indicate power and confidence. It is bold enough to gather your attention.
Purple can be seen as a royal color that can awaken your intuitive mind. It can be seen to represent wealth and luxury. When having this information about the color purple, this will lead to viewing the color in a more positive ways when coming across it.
Green symbolizes health and growth. This color is connected to nature and money. Therefore, when seeing this color, it is likely one may be feeling positive due to the representation of the color. With this said, green can inspire you to do things that will allow you to grow and act on healthy behaviors.
When you see the color blue, this color represents calmness, peace and tranquility. It is the color of the ocean and can lead to trust when used in brands.
Orange is a fun color that represents creativity and adventure. With this said, orange is best used for creative brands and when trying to attract attention from others to take action.
Colors can affect our mental health by allowing us to respond and react in a certain way. Each of these colors are used in marketing for various reasons and in that can affect our mental health by how we view what it is they are showing us. These are just a few colors and what they represent and affect our way of thinking. However, there are more and taking into consideration on why you may be attracted to a certain thing could tell you more by its color.