Mental Relief Through Organization

Mental Relief Through Organization

Is it hard to believe that you can find some relief when you feel that life is more organized? Can you relate to organization in some aspect in your life? Well it is true! Organization can help us feel more put together which naturally gives us a great feeling.

You see feeling excited about something leads to motivation that makes you want to get something done and that feeling can lead to determination in continuing to accomplish tasks. Organizing can give us that same feeling by feeling that we have our life in order. Feeling that we know where to start can help us accomplish our goals. Do you agree?

When we accomplish a goal, we feel good and then we continue to do more of it. This cycle can help aid us to become productive which can naturally lead to finding ways to finding some mental relief through feeling less stress by getting things done but also by helping us take our mind off of whatever it is that is bothering for some time.

So why does organizing allow us to have some mental relief?

Well it allows us to gain control over a part of our lives. We ALL want control over something! Of course in a healthy way. Well organizing does just that. If you are struggling to find some control over any part of your life or emotions, organizing gives you that control of putting things back together in the way YOU want which then leads to gaining control over other areas of your life. Through this you will gain empowerment and feel uplifted!

CALMNESS. How many of you feel that your mind is always running or your mind feels far from calmness? Well I can relate to that and I have found that organizing brings me calmness. WHY? This is because I am focused on the task and I am not thinking about other things…for the most part. If it happens that I am thinking of something else that does not bother me, my mind tends to feel more relaxed and not so…loud! This leads me to my next point…

FOCUS. You will be so focused on the task and as you’re completing the task, you’ll feel accomplished as you complete it fully. This will lead to completing one task after the other…which then leads to getting things done and checking things off which makes you feel….GOOD. Like I said above, feeling good with one accomplishment will lead to many more, therefore, this will lead to increased focus to get the job done.

NEW. When organizing your items or just your life in general, a sense of newness comes in. What I mean by that is, it is almost a feeling of a “new life” or “new start/beginning” and sometimes we need that. That could be because feeling organized leads to inspiration which we then feel a sense of “new” in our life. We all have times where we feel we wish we could start over or have a new beginning. Well this is it! This feeling of “new” leads to mental relief and hope that you CAN start brand new.

Organization can be powerful! So what are some ways to gain these positive feelings and a sense of new beginning? Some things you can do is to begin using a planner, make a to-do list to check off, start with one room to organize and move on and start small!

About Me

Hello there and welcome to my blog! I am Ayesha and the founder of mental health de-stigmatized. I am a mental health enthusiast as well as an LPC-A. I created this blog to raise awareness about mental health by delivering knowledge to help de-stigmatize mental health. I aim to bring value into your life through my blog by giving tips and knowledge you can use.

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