Personal development
According to psychologists personal development can be regarded as the ability to improve one’s capabilities and help increase the quality of life. As it is stated it’s personal hence each individual will have a subjective sense of what implies to their development. However, increasing research and knowledge has established a few elements of personal development including mental, social, intellectual, physical and spiritual aspects.
According to the works of famous humanistic psychologist Abraham Maslow, self realization and self-improvement is the highest need of a human being in the hierarchy of needs he theorized. Moreover he stated in order for individuals to reach their full potential it is essential for them to continually work on themselves and develop their capacities this is how human beings self-actualize.
Hence, personal development is a journey, a process of diving deep into one’s own conscious and unconsciousness to understand the present self, accept it and pave ways for self-improvements.
There are no rigid or hard and fast rules for how personal development can look like ,it can be entirely different for two individuals living in the same house , room or family. It is solely and only about self and the work required to reach in and open yourself to the possibilities of learning and growing as an individual who can benefit themselves and people around them.
Following are the few reasons why personal development should be a priority for each individual:
As the prerequisite of personal development is self-awareness it is the basic and most important aspect to consider when one is motivated to work on themselves. Why is self-awareness important? Because it is the fundamental base an individual builds their personality on, increased self- awareness helps look past the prejudices and biased views of self and see the situations and oneself including one’s thoughts and behaviors in a more neutral light which can lead to the realizations of where improvement and betterment is required. It helps in being more logical and rational rather than someone who internalizes things from the environment.
Without self- awareness an individual is set to be triggered and biased in all possible ways.
The more self-aware a person is, the more accepting they are of their problems and weaknesses and can commit themselves to do better be better. Self- awareness and self-improvement go hand in hand. Whether it be a habit or personality trait, self-awareness is the key to open the mind and work on oneself.
High Self-Esteem
Working on oneself , making efforts increases one’s confidence in themselves and leads to development of a higher self-esteem, self -improvements, personality development leading to increased potential , developing new skills expands one’s belief in their abilities. Research shows higher self- esteem helps develop positive healthy coping habits, increases resilience and causes positive emotions. People with higher self- esteem are high achievers and are seen to be adapting to different aspects of life more effortlessly.
High Resilience
Personal development helps being resilient and stronger. Resilience is defined as the ability of a person to cope with difficult situations. Resilient individuals are better at dealing with emotional pain and ups and downs of life which are inevitable hence it’s better to be resilient and emotionally stronger than being vulnerable to life’s suffering and giving up.
Physical Strength
Setting goals to gradually increase physical strength, stamina and endurance helps the body to push and strive for being better and better. This personal development leads to a stronger mind and a healthier body that is fit and focused. Moreover, it requires learning the art of motivation and discipline which in itself is a self-improvement and leads to healthier conscious habit development.

Mental Fitness
A mind which is focused and directed towards goals and continuously strives for improving is a resilient mind. Individuals who focus on personal development have a healthy, strong , positively influencing attitude towards others and different life situations. Obstacles and challenges only give them ways for creative problem solving. Such individuals are front runners, groundbreakers, creative and full of positive energy.
Focusing on personal development is equivalent to focusing on learning. It brings benefits of immense knowledge and skill building which help individuals prosper and excel in every area of their life. For instance: someone who is already employed and working keeps focused on developing and honing their skills and relevant skills to keep themselves on the top of the game will be an achiever compared to anyone who’s gotten a job and not improving anything in themselves.
Better Relationships
A person with a high awareness, improved skills and knowledge about communication will naturally develop healthier relationships in their personal and social lives. Their drive to personal development will help them to be better listeners and communicators hence leaving a positive effect on their current relationships.
Growth Mindset
When it comes to the study of the psychology of success, what pops up right away is the term used “ growth mindset” . This is used to define a mental attitude, the way of thinking but what does it really is ? It is a motivation, a consistent effort to choose the right way of doing things. To find opportunities where someone will not find, see positives in failures is the mindset of an optimist. Individuals who have a growth mindset don’t complain but rather pave ways. They will not stop at completion of one goal or a short term gratification, they will try to keep on improvising and improving being a better and better person. Striving for excellence is their motto and once a growth mindset develops it is manifested into everything , every aspect of their lives will witness achievement.
All these qualities are manifested in the routine habits, personal, social and work lives of all the successful, happy and victorious people in the world. Personal development is what they thrive on and achieve limitless opportunities. This is an example in itself to learn from and recognize that personal development should be a priority for each individual. Each small step towards our betterment matters and brings us closer to the dream life or person we wish to be!